Friday, October 28, 2016

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!  Here's what I'm feeling good about today.....

Halloween House Crawl with friends tonight
Haunted Hallway
I made it until Friday with my weekly scratch-off lottery tickets
There was good music on my drive in this morning
I'm ALMOST done with all of my grading
The Sophomore Pasta Dinner is WEDNESDAY - and I'm not super stressed about it.

How about you??

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tasty Tuesday...Halloween Edition

T Minus 6 days until the big day.  What's your fave Halloween candy to score?  

Unless you're deathly allergic, I can't imagine anyone who isn't a fan of a good Reese's PB Cup, right?  Stick it in the freezer!  

I'm also a DOTS lover.  I tend to confiscate those out of my kids' bags.

How about you???

Monday, October 24, 2016

1/2 Day Monday!

Happy Monday, my Peeps!  

EQA's are over, half day today, CUBS are in the World is a pretty good day!

Weekend was uneventful.  I wasn't here on Friday because I had some Dr. appointments.  Nothing exciting.  Went to a Halloween party on Saturday night.  Mr. Cal and I went as Captain Stubing and Julie McCoy from The Love Boat, which was a TV show that was popular when we were kids.  

How about you?  How was your weekend?  What did you do?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wordy Wednesday

How many words can you create??  NO 2 letter words.  Next letter used must touch the current letter used.  

There are 271 possibilities for this board!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tasty Tuesday

Pizza! Pizza!  What's your fave pizza?  If you were ordering a pizza for just yourself, and didn't have to worry about sharing with anyone...what would you order?  

Me?  Pepperoni & Black Olives.  YUM!  

How about you??

Friday, October 14, 2016

Feel Good Friday!

We made it.  Another Friday is upon us.  What Am I feeling good about this Fab Friday?

Cubs advancing in the playoffs.  
Today is PAYDAY!
Blackhawks are on TWICE this weekend.
I'm hosting bunco at my house tonight.  
I'm working on Halloween costumes for our family this weekend.

Have a GREAT weekend!  Make good choices.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wordy Wednesday!

Before we get to the topic at hand...

How 'bout them CUBBIES?!?!?!?!? So exciting!  


AND....the Blackhawks are back in action with their season opener tonight.  Yay for Chicago sports! we have Wordy Wednesday.  Have you ever played the game Boggle?  Here is your Boggle board for today.  How many words can you come up with?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Welcome Back!

How was your long weekend?  What did you do?  

My weekend was nice.  Usual weekend stuff, but with less pressure since we were off yesterday.  Watched the Cubs, watched my kids play their usual (flag football, baseball, hockey).  Spent yesterday hanging with my boys.  Donuts at County Line, photo shoot at the beach for Christmas cards, shopping at the outlet mall, lunch at Redamak's in Michigan.  Fun day.

And then I stayed up WAY too late watching the Cubbies.  They need to win tonight!

How about you?  Tell me about your weekend!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

TV Tuesday

What's on your TV lineup?  What do you watch regularly?

I'm the only girl in my house.  This means there is ALWAYS some sort of sporting event on TV.   I don't really mind all that much, but I get annoyed with football and all the fantasy junk that goes with the 359 leagues my husband seems to be in.

When I do get the TV, I'm pretty boring.  The Goldbergs, The Middle, Criminal Minds, NCIS: New Orleans (which is an AWFUL show, but NOLA is my favorite place in the I must watch).  

How about you?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday - What's on your mind?

Happy Monday! What's on your mind today?

Feeling a bit overwhelmed today.  Lots to do and I'm feeling like time is my enemy.  I need a "work" day with lots of focus time.  If I'm less than my cheery self today, sorry in advance.

How about you?  What's on your mind today?