Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mardi Gras Tuesday!

Happy Mardi Gras!

I LOVE NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana).  It's my absolute favorite non-tropical place on the planet.  There is so much culture, history, music, people watching....I love it.  If you ever have the chance to go, DO IT!  

If money, responsibility, etc. were no object. I would live in the French Quarter, work on a law degree from Tulane.  

What about you?  If you could live anywhere, do anything...what would you do?

Monday, February 27, 2017

Happy Monday!

Hey!  As you can see, I'm not here today.  

1 - Be good for Mrs. O
2 - NO phones
3 - Be good for Mrs. O

Multimedia 1/2 & Marketing
Blog - CNN - Digital Citizenship Packet - DUE TODAY!

Blog - Work on spreads!

Work on your broadcasts this week.  Don't wait until the last minute.  I don't want there to be ANY sound issues this week.  I'm taking off for sound issues from here on out.  

Mine weekend was pretty low key.  Was nice not to have 5,000 places to be.  

How about yours?  What did you do?

Friday, February 24, 2017

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!  We made it!  What are you feeling good about today?

Kind of a low-key weekend.  Two games tonight, but that's it aside from a couple of practices.  
Maybe going to the movies? 
Cubs tickets go on sale at 10AM this morning.  I might try to score some.  

That's about it!  Have a GREAT weekend!    

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday - or is it Monday?

How was your weekend??  Did you get a chance to enjoy the nice weather?

Cal's were in a hockey tournament in Holland, MI over the weekend. It was nice to see something other than snow. That's the only thing I've ever seen up there!

How was your weekend??  

Friday, February 17, 2017

Feel Good Friday!


What's good today?  Here's what I'm feeling good about today.....

It's going to be 60 today!
Friend's birthday party tonight
Hockey tournament in Michigan this weekend.  
NO school on Monday!

How about you????

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Do you have a Valentine?  Do you have any special plans for today?

I am out this afternoon.  I'll be doing the Valentine craft with my 4th grader's class.  My older son has a volleyball game and then rehearsal for his school's production.  I'm thinking I will make heart shaped pizza tonight for dinner. That's about the extent of our Valentine's Day.  How about you??

Monday, February 13, 2017


Happy Half Day! How was your weekend? What's on your mind today? 

Lots on my mind today.  Busy week ahead - Games, Valentine's Day, Dr. Appts, meetings, and then the regular stuff!  But.....It was a good weekend in the Calomino house!  

Friday night basketball. St. Joe's Falcons with the W! 

My older son's last regular season game playing for the Vikings.  Came out with a win and a goal!

Friday, February 10, 2017

It's Friday, Friday.....

Happy Friday!

Today I'm feeling good about....

A low-key weekend!  I might actually be in my house for more than a two hour stretch at some point this weekend!  Yay!  Basketball game tonight, hockey game in the morning, my son's birthday party in the afternoon and then another hockey game on Sunday.  That's it.  I'm under the weather, so I'm looking forward to some time to veg on the couch.

Oh...and I scored my Jimmy Buffett tickets for Wrigley this summer!!!  

How about you?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Three Things Thursday

Tell me THREE things you need to accomplish today.....

1 - I'm secretary of Homewood Baseball and tonight we have a meeting.  I need to get minutes from the last meeting typed up and sent out to the rest of the board of directors.

2 - I need to figure out what to make for dinner tonight.

3 - I need to order Krispy Kremes for tomorrow!

How about you?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

Post-Game Thoughts?

Did you watch the game last night?  Thoughts?  How about commercials?  What was your favorite?  How about Lady Gaga?

I wasn't necessarily passionate about who I wanted to win.  I was mostly just looking for my numbers to win in my squares, etc.  I was rooting for the Falcons, simply because they were up against the Big, Bad Patriots.  I don't really have anything against the Pats.  It's just nice to see someone else get some fresh bling.  That being said, that was an awesome comeback!

I didn't get to see all the commercials.  The one with JT for Bai was pretty funny.  

Lady Gaga?  I thought it was great!  

How about you?