Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thursday....The Beginning of the End

This. This has been my mantra the last few days.  Now that Beecher Blitz is in the books, I can get back to normal.  Whew, I already feel better!

So...what did you think of yesterday?  Good?  Bad?  Suggestions?  Compliments?  Air your grievances here!  Aside from the juniors getting some undercooked brat burgers,  I think everything went well. 

Should this be an annual thing??  What do you think?

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, Monday

How goes it?  I'm not going to fib...I'm ready.  I'm ready to be done.  If I'm a total B the next couple of weeks, please excuse it.  I'm trying so hard to get everything done.  I want to go to the beach.   

My weekend was good.   The weather was so nice, so that's a "feel good" no matter what you're doing.  Baseball, hockey, birthday parties, etc.  That was my weekend.  

How about you?  

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Wordy Thursday

How many words can you find?  Apparently there are 186 solves....

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Twenty Days Tuesday!

With less than 20 days left in the school year...what's the thing you're going to remember the most about this year?  

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

TV Tuesday!

What's your favorite TV show??  

I don't watch much TV, but here is what I try to keep up with regularly...

Amazing Race
The Middle -  the BEST show on TV

I've said before that I'm the only girl in my house, so when I do watch "my" shows, it's between Blackhawks games and Cubs games.  I don't even bother with a TV on Sundays during the football season.