Friday, August 26, 2016

Happy Friday! Your first blog post!

Today's question - We're a couple of days into the school year.  How are your classes?  What do you like?  What do you dislike?

Remember to answer in paragraph format.  

My answer....

I feel pretty good about the year so far.  There really aren't any classes that I don't like.  I had a couple of classes last year that were kind of draining on me.  Not bad kids...just a bad dynamic.  I don't really see any of that this year and this makes me happy!

I'm just like you guys - I like to see who I'm in class with, etc.  It's a bit different for the teachers, though.  We just really get to see who we have our plan period with and who we have lunch with.  I lucked out this year.  I have lunch with Mrs. Compton and Mrs. VonAlven.  They are my peeps, so we were excited to have lunch together!  

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