Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday - Another School Shooting

Guys...I'm just sick to my stomach over this.  When will it stop?  Yesterday was the EIGHTEENTH...Yes...18th!!!  school shooting THIS YEAR.  It's February 15th, people!!!!!  This is crazy!

I am a SUPPORTER of the 2nd Amendment, but times have changed since our founding fathers were around.  Should you be able to have guns?  Absolutely!  Should you able to conceal carry?  Absolutely!  Should there be SOME sort of regulation on big-time assault rifles?  ABSOLUTELY!  Should we be addressing MENTAL HEALTH?  ABSOLUTELY!

I realize the argument that people kill people, not guns.  And..part of me completely agrees with you.  But what if we made it just a TINY bit harder for those people to have access to dangerous weapons? Doesn't that even KIND OF make sense?  

We CAN'T be divided on this.  We need to work TOGETHER to come up with something.  


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