Do more with the Cricut - eh...not so much
Learn Podcasting - I'm reserving that for Summer
Unsubscribe from emails - I've done some, but not all
Playlists - I've made a few
2 new dinner recipes a month - I've probably done this without even trying, but it's been on accident, not because it's on my list
Read 12 books - I'm in the middle of a book (#1) right now, but I'll probably read one at the beach next week
Get rid of U-Verse - Not yet.
Get a chair for my bedroom - DONE!
Mexico for Christmas - We'll see. I'm thinking we might be in a new house by then. Maybe this Christmas isn't in the cards.
12K steps per day - Sometimes, but def no more than yes
YB done on time - I think this will happen, but it will really have nothing to do with me. My editors are ROCK STARS this year and taking care of everything.
Re-vamp all my curriculum - That's this summer
Pay off one credit card - DONE!
College Visit - This summer...
Clean up Google Drive - Coming along
Insta/Snap - No...but I did post something on Insta this morning
Build a Terrarrium - There is a class coming up...I'm thinking of joining it.
Text my Aunt Pam more - I'm visiting her next week! Yay!
Family Games - 1x per week - sometimes...we always play cards when we are in a restaurant..and we did this last night
Find a pair of jeans that fit really good - I did find a pair!
So...what about you? How are you doing? Give me an update!
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