Happy Friday! Greetings from Louisville! Just finished my complimenary hotel waffle breakfast and we are ready to head out back on the road. Mr. Cal is not super enthusiastic that I'm still doing school work and not ready to leave yet... I took his picture to post here, but he became even less enthusiastic.
What are you feeling good about today?
Holiday Weekend?
Extra day off?
Tell me!
Have a great weekend and be good for Mrs. O!
Friday, August 30, 2019
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Would Your Rather Thursday
This one made me laugh...
Would you rather have edible spaghetti hair that regrows every night or sweat (not sweet) maple syrup?
I guess the spaghetti hair? Or the syrup if I didn't sweat at all...either way, it's hilarious and gross at the same time!
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
I Scream - U Scream - We All Scream For.....

Ice Cream! Are you an ice cream fan? We're fans in the Cal house. What's your fave flavor? I love Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia, but I also love a good Chocolate/Peanut Butter Swirl. Who am I kidding?? I like it all! Well, maybe not pistachio. I mean, it's edible, I guess...but I'd never actually choose it. Unless it's part of the Ranibow Cone thing. Have you ever had Rainbow Cone? It's in Oak Lawn, sort of a Chicago landmark type of place and it's a bunch of different scoops on top of each other. We usually go at least once every summer.
So...what's your favorite flavor??
Monday, August 26, 2019
Happy Monday!
Hello! What an icky day....It's supposed to rain ALL DAY. Bummer, because my son is supposed to have a game vs a bunch of his former teammates and coach today.
It was a nice weekend, though! We had friends over on Friday and I made homemade pizza for Pizza Friday. Saturday was baseball, hanging with in-laws, and then we had people over for the Bears game. Yesterday was chill. As I've said, we are out of town this weekend for a family wedding in South Carolina, so I wanted to make sure everyone has what they need. Uneventful day, but busy. I didn't even get to sit down with school work until around 8. I need to get back into the school swing of things.
How about you??
Friday, August 23, 2019
Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday! We made it! First full week....FIVE consecutive days.
- Today I'm feeling good about....
- No plans tonight
- Fun plans tomorrow night - Party at my house
- Beach on Sunday
- Get to see family tomorrow
What about you??? What are you feeling good about??
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Gold Stars or Demerits?
Do you listen to podcasts? I listen to a LOT of them, almost entirely in my car. One that I listen to pretty regularly is the Happier Podcast. It features two sisters, one in New York and the other in Los Angeles. Each episode they give themselves either a gold star or a demerit. Gold star to give themselves (or someone else) a pat on the back and a demerit is a ding. Own something you didn't do the way you wanted, fail, etc.
So, today I'm going to give a Gold Star, but not to me. My Gold Star goes to the Little League World Series team from Venezuela. I'm a HUGE fan of the LLWS. In fact, I should actually be on my way to Williamsport right now. It's sort of always been planned that we would go when my son was 12. Unfortunately, we have a family wedding next weekend in South Carolina, so it wasn't feasable to take two trips two weekends in a row and be out of school. So...I watch on TV, again.
Anyhow...the country of Venezuela is in complete turmoil and only the team itself was able to go to Williamsport. No parents, no friends, no additional family. Just the team and coaches. They were eliminated on Tuesday, but I'm giving them a Gold Star for making it and playing without any real support. So....Venezuela Little League...this one's for you!
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Wordy Wednesday!
Happy Hump Day! We're officially half way through the week! Today is my youngest's first day of school. We're now ALL back to school and routines.
Monday, August 19, 2019
So...How's it going?

Alrighty...you've been through two days of classes now. How's it going? Do you like you r teachers? Do you like your classes? What do you like best? What do you like least?
For me - I'm good. I don't have any complaints, really. I'm sort of bummed about my lunch, though. Mrs. VonAlven, Mrs. Compton, Mrs. Rojas and I are tight. They were my people. VonAlven moved to another school, Compton took Mrs. Gordon's job as Special Services director (SOOO well-deserved), and Mrs. Rojas is only here a few days a week. So...the crew I've had lunch with for the last ten years is obsolete. Don't get me wrong...I have friends here. I get along with everyone in the building. It's just....they were my tribe. It's going to take some getting used to.
I like all my classes so far, which is good, because they are PACKED! I'm excited to see what my Produciton class comes up with this year.
What about you?
First Blog of the Year!

- Monday - How was your weekend?
- Tuesday - Usually something food related...or some rando question
- Wednesday - Wordy Wednesday (Boggle Board with prizes!)
- Thursday - Would you rather/this or that/Grievance Thursday/Gold Stars or Demerits
- Friday - Feel Good Friday!
Here are the rules...
1) I don't want yes/no answers. I want to be able to know what the question/topic was by reading your answer. You do NOT need to retype the question at the top. Just answer in complete sentences.
2) NO photos that do not belong to you. You can use your Bitmoji or you can use photos that you have uploaded from your devices.
4) Your blog is a SUMMATIVE grade.
5) You are responsible for your blog whether you are here or not. If you are absent, you're still responsible.
6) Have fun!
So, getting down to business....
How was your weekend? Tell me about it!
Mine was fun. Friday night we had a surprise party for one of my friends. Super fun....
Saturday I worked the dunk tank for St. Joe's in the Homewood Block Party. Saturday night I went to a South Suburban Humane Society fundraiser. Won a huge basket of non-school appropriate beverages.
Sunday was pretty chill. Just sort of hung out and got ready for the week.
How about you??
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