Monday, August 23, 2021

Happy Monday! Back at it for the school year.....

How was your weekend?  Mine was sort of uneventful.  Hosted a birthday party for my friend, Jenn on Friday and that's really about it.  My engine light went on in my car on the way home from school Friday, so we really didn't do much.  It was nice not to have a weekend packed with stuff. This is the first weekend in a couple of months we had nothing going on.  

Motivational Monday/Goals - What are your goals for the week?  Mine are pretty simple.  I have a lot of boxes to check this week.  Not difficult stuff, but just administrative things like set up a junior class officer meeting, set up a Bobcat Pride meeting so we can figure out Turnabout, meet with my NHS kiddos.  All that kind of stuff.

What about you?  How was your weekend? What are your goals for the week?

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