Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Turn It Up Tuesday!

I listen to Eric & Kathy on the Mix most mornings on my way in.  By the time I get to Beecher, it's static-y and fuzzy.  I usually switch over to Radio Margaritaville at this point.  Escape was just starting (The Pina Colada Song) and then it followed up with Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move on by Jimmy Buffett.  Both are not popular songs (you probably heard the Pina Colada Song), but they both have solid meaning with me.  It was a good music morning in the "i was cool once" minivan.  That in itself puts me in a good mood.

What about you?  What song makes you "turn it up" when you hear it??  I have a TON more, but these two were on back-to-back this morning...yay!

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