Welcome Back! Happy New Year!
How was your break? Fill me in! Mine was OK. I'd be fibbing if I said I wasn't slightly ready to come back. I love my family and all, but it's time everyone got back into a routine and schedule.
We had a lot of fun over break. We were in a hockey tournament downtown, went to the movies a couple times, went to skyzone, did some shopping, had fun with friends, etc.
It was also kind of crappy. Someone tried to break into our house at 2AM Christmas morning. They broke my front window and tried to steal presents. They only got away with one, but it was still scary. Kind of cast a dark shadow on the rest of break. The year capped off with the unexpected death of a very close family friend. So...yeah....that sucked.
I'm ready for 2017! Bring it!
What about you?