Friday, January 27, 2017


Whoo Hooooo!!!  It's FRIDAY!  

Are you feeling good because it's Friday?  Like Carl, I think Fridays are AWESOME!  

Here's what I'm feeling good about today....

  • I thought I lost my Fitbit yesterday.  After a small panic and downloading a "Find My Fitbit" app, it turned up.  It was in my car.  Crisis averted.
  • Registration for Homewood Baseball & Softball is this weekend.  I'm the secretary of the league and registration is one of my gigs.  Everything is done and ready, that makes me not act like a crazy person.
  • Fun Saturday and Sunday nights this weekend - My church is hosting a Winter Picnic tomorrow night and there will be a Jimmy Buffett cover band.  Sunday is Mr. Cal's work season kickoff party at Maggiano's in Oak Brook.  YUM!  

That's what I'm feeling good about!  HOw about you????

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