Friday, March 31, 2017

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!

What am I feeling good about today?  Hmm.....

  • Feeling good that grades are in and we are starting a fresh, new quarter.  The LAST quarter of the year!
  • Girls weekend! Well, actually it's just a girls night...but we are heading out to my friend's lake house tomorrow, going for dinner and then staying the night.
  • My son might just pass the Confirmation exam this weekend (2nd try...failed the first one miserably)
  • Hockey starts again on Sunday morning
  • Last shift having to work at the fish fry at my church.  
  • I almost's PAY DAY!

ONE more week before SPRING BREAK!

That's all I've got.  If you're the praying/good-vibe-sending type, please send some out to my friend Amy.  She's had a setback and is now back in ICU. She needs them!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wordy Wednesday!

Here's today's puzzle board.  164 is the magic number.  How many can you find?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Free Day!

Happy Tuesday!  I told you all that I wasn't going to be there today.  I'm hanging with my family today since they all have the week off. 

So, in the spirit of having a "free" day, what would your ideal "free" day be? TBH, I don't think today will be my definition of an ideal one.  I'm fairly sure I have a date with my debit card buying hockey skates for my oldest and probably seeing a movie I have no interest in seeing. will be fun nonetheless. 

What's your ideal free day?

Monday, March 27, 2017

What's New?

Well, it's Monday.  And it's not Spring Break.  So...yeah.  The rest of my house is off this week, so I'm kind of salty that I'm not at the beach.  Who am I kidding?  I'm not KIND OF salty about it.  I'm REALLY salty about it.  Everyone on my newsfeed is posting beach pictures.  And while I am at the Beech, it's not the BEACH I'd prefer.  

THIS is my beach......

Bon-Aire Resort in St. Pete Beach, FL

Someday...the BHS calendar will line up with the Homewood calendar.  Someday......

So that's my boo-hoo and why I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself this week.  

On a more positive note, my friend Amy (the one who almost died last week) is now TALKING!!  This is awesome news!  I went to see her on Saturday morning and she knew my name and was talking.  Very exciting!  She has a long way to go, but she's plugging along.

How about you? How was your weekend?  What's on your mind?  

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


 Do you have a favorite quote?  This is mine.  It's from a Jimmy Buffett song about Hurricane Katrina and I say it often.  

Breathe In
Breathe Out
Move On

So many things in life we can't control. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday, Monday

Half day today!  Yahooo!  Long day for me, though.  NHS/Quill & Scroll induction, so I won't get home until 9 or so tonight.  The upside of this is a chance to get some things done in my classroom.  That's always a good thing.

Weekend was fine.  Nothing overly exciting.  It was a rare weekend that we didn't have much going on.  I worked at the fish fry at my church on Friday and that's about it.  My son had a baseball practice last night at 7.  That's it.  This really only happens a couple times a year.  I was thankful for it, though...

How about you?  How was your weekend?  What's on your mind today?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tasty Tuesday

If you had a "signature" sandwich, what would it be called and what would you put on it?

It would be called the BCal.  It would be on crusty Italian bread with Italian dressing, salami, and green olives.  It would have one of those toothpicks with an olive on the top and it would be served with a side of salt & vinegar chips and a HUGE glass of water to flush out all the sodium you will have just consumed.  YUM!!!!

What about you??

Monday, March 13, 2017

Winter is back...and I'm sick.

Hi, guys!  As you probably noticed, I'm not here today.  I'm out sick.  Fever and chills hit me late yesterday afternoon and I can't seem to shake it.  Still feel like garbage this morning. 



Today's blog question - How was your weekend? Do anything good?  What's on your mind on this wintry Monday?

Assignments are as follows...

Multimedia 1 & 2 - Your assignment is in Google Classroom.  This assignment is SUMMATIVE and needs to be turned in today before you leave.  

Yearbook - Work on your spreads.

Marketing - Your assignment is in Google Classroom.

Have a great day.  I'm hoping to be back tomorrow.  We will review for EQA's when I get back.

Friday, March 10, 2017

If I had $100.....

Yay!  You are washing your jeans and found a $100 bill stuffed in one of the pockets!  

You have 24 hours to spend it.  It's OK to be selfish and do something for YOU!  

What are you doing with it???

I choose selfish....

I'm buying $20 in scratch-offs
A tanning package

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Terrified Tuesday

Do you have an irrational fear?  Here is a link to a few funny ones...

Mine is fear of entering banks.  I'm CONVINCED there will be a bank robbery while I'm there.  Silly, I know.

What about you??  Do you have any irrational fears?

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wordy Wednesday


How many words can you find???  Official number is 164.