Monday, March 27, 2017

What's New?

Well, it's Monday.  And it's not Spring Break.  So...yeah.  The rest of my house is off this week, so I'm kind of salty that I'm not at the beach.  Who am I kidding?  I'm not KIND OF salty about it.  I'm REALLY salty about it.  Everyone on my newsfeed is posting beach pictures.  And while I am at the Beech, it's not the BEACH I'd prefer.  

THIS is my beach......

Bon-Aire Resort in St. Pete Beach, FL

Someday...the BHS calendar will line up with the Homewood calendar.  Someday......

So that's my boo-hoo and why I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself this week.  

On a more positive note, my friend Amy (the one who almost died last week) is now TALKING!!  This is awesome news!  I went to see her on Saturday morning and she knew my name and was talking.  Very exciting!  She has a long way to go, but she's plugging along.

How about you? How was your weekend?  What's on your mind?  

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