Friday, March 31, 2017

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!

What am I feeling good about today?  Hmm.....

  • Feeling good that grades are in and we are starting a fresh, new quarter.  The LAST quarter of the year!
  • Girls weekend! Well, actually it's just a girls night...but we are heading out to my friend's lake house tomorrow, going for dinner and then staying the night.
  • My son might just pass the Confirmation exam this weekend (2nd try...failed the first one miserably)
  • Hockey starts again on Sunday morning
  • Last shift having to work at the fish fry at my church.  
  • I almost's PAY DAY!

ONE more week before SPRING BREAK!

That's all I've got.  If you're the praying/good-vibe-sending type, please send some out to my friend Amy.  She's had a setback and is now back in ICU. She needs them!

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