Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday - What is your silly irrational fear?

I did this one last year when my friend made fun of me because I have an irrational fear of going inside banks.  I don't like it.  I prefer to do my business online or in the drive-thru. 

This morning made me think of another of my silly irrational "fears"..... cornish hens.  Yes...small, frozen chickens.  They give me the HEEBS....BIG TIME!  Maybe fear isn't the right word.  I just don't like them.  I can't say I've ever even tried them.  They freak me out.  I know, it's silly.

This morning I had to buy two of them for my Production kiddos.  I actually stood there in Walt's and hesitated a minute before picking them up.  Had to gather myself...lol.

What about you?  Do you have a silly, irrational fear?

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