Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Toot Your Horn Tuesday! Gold Stars and Demerits

I listen to a ton of different podcasts when I'm in the car.  One that I listen to pretty regularly is Happier with Gretchen Ruben.  She and her sister Liz host a weekly podcast.  One of the things they talk about each episode - Gold Stars and Demerits.  They each talk about something they get a gold star for and also something they kind of goofed up on or wish they had done better.

I think I'd like to make this a weekly thing here as well.  Tell me one thing you're going to toot your horn about (giving yourself a gold star) and one thing you wish you'd done better (giving yourself a demerit) in the last week.

Gold Star...
If you know anything about me, you know I'm involved in no less than 94759734 things and always have a million things going on.  Well.....I'm pretty proud of myself because I stepped down from a committee I was sort of bullied to be a part of.  And it felt GOOD!!!

As many of you know, I'm diabetic.  I had my checkup yesterday and my numbers were up.  That, for sure, gets a demerit!  

How about you?  What's your gold star and demerit for the week?

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