Friday, May 18, 2018

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday, Y'all!  It's been a week from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks and I, for one, am glad it's the weekend!!!  My son went back to school today, so keep your fingers crossed that he makes it through the day without a headache/puke attack!  He left me this note and a pop tart this morning....  Bless.

What are you feeling good about today?  LOTS.  It's almost the end!  Seniors, this is your last full day.  YAY!  You did it!!!

Fun stuff going on this weekend....
Royal Wedding viewing party at my friend Betsy's house at 5AM.  
Going away party for my husband's cousin who is moving to LA to be an actor
More Baseball

What about you?  What are you feeling good about today?

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