Tuesday, May 1, 2018

It's May!

Y'all...It's MAY!!!!!

I can't even.  I'm pretty stoked that the end of the year is almost here!  I have to say, normally I've already started a paper chain, countdown, have cursed all of you in and out.  This year...nada.  Don't get me wrong, I'm always excited for summer.  But this year....I don't know....I don't mind you all!  :)

So, with May comes EVERYTHING.....juggling 3 teams for my kids, field trips, senior stuff, summer job stuff, camp registrations, school concerts, Beecher Blitz, GRADUATION, and all the stuff that goes with it.  It's a busy time.  It's all good..but man, when June 8th rolls around, I'll be singing!

What are you looking forward to in May?

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