Monday, January 7, 2019

Welcome Back!

Happy 2019!  Welcome Back!  How was your break?  I'm a bit salty about being back. My kids were still in their beds sleeping this morning.  They don't go back until tomorrow.  They started break before me and go back after me.  😠

Mine was great.  I didn't do a whole lot of anything exciting, and that was the plan.  I made a special point to be a bit of a slug over break....and once this past weekend rolled around....I sort of freaked out because I was a slug over break!  I got the things I wanted to done, with the exception of ALL of my grading.  I got most of it done, but not all of it.  I just need to enter it in.  I watched a LOT of TV.  I feel like I've been watching Gilmore Girls since June, which is probably correct, but I watched a ton of it over break and I'm only on season 6.  I watched a few movies.  Bird Box...did you watch??  And Sweet Baby Jesus...that stupid game last night.  The best meme I saw last night was this one...

Image result for parkey meme bird box

And my fave meme I started to see around Friday was this one...

Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text was your break??  Tell me about it!

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