Thursday, February 28, 2019

What are you watching?

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What are you currently watching on Netflix?  or whatever service you use....

We are watching YOU on Netflix.  It's about a stalker in NYC.  Pretty good!

What about you?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesay - I'm feeling needy today

So...I got a flat tire on my way home last night, which led to buying a whole new tire and me not getting home until 8:30, my oldest is home sick and I'm pretty sure I'm headed down the same path.  I stopped at Walmart on the way in this morning to stock up on various meds, so we'll see.  I've got four basketball games to oversee tonight and all of my workers are sick, too.  Oh, and my neck hurts because I slept funny.  

So there....that's why I'm feeling sorry for myself and super needy...

Total first world problems..I know.

What are you feeling needy about?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday, Monday....

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Ugh.  I'm tired and I'm cold.  And it's Monday.  And it seems we have to be in school FIVE consecutive days this week!  Whaattttt???  I don't have reason to be out of the house tonight for anything, so I'm already looking forward to being under my blanket on the couch!

How was your weekend?  Mine was good.  HF Hockey season ended Friday night in the semi-finals.  Trivia night was Saturday, along with HF Turnabout.  Good times!  Yesterday was just a normal, get ready for the week ahead, kind of day.  Oh...and I ordered a new washing machine.  Not going to fib, I'm pretty geeked up about that.

Here's a pic of the group that went to the dance together on Saturday...mine is second from the left.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

This or That Thursday

This or That.......

Get even or Get over it?

Have no Internet or Have no phone?

Grilled Cheese or Mac & Cheese?

Nutella or Peanut Butter?

Sunrise or Sunset?

Thunder or Lightning?

Beaches or Mountains?

Neutrals or  Colors?

Spontaneous or Planner?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

It's Already Tuesday!

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Mine was rather low key.  Did plenty, but nothing exciting.  Started watching a couple of new shows, getting ready for HF Turnabout, baseball meetings, etc.  Just normal stuff.  

What about you?  How was your weekend??

Friday, February 15, 2019

Feel Good Friday! Three Day Weekend!

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Happy Friday!  
Three day weekend!  Whoo Hooo!  Although, it seems sort of anticlimactic after all of our days off.  Speaking of days off, I'm obviously not there today.  I have a meeting here in Homewood that I need to attend.  If you need me for anything, the sub has my number and I'll probably be in toward the end of the day.  

I have a service hour opportunity for 3-4 people for two hours after school on Wednesday at the Beecher Library.  Email me if you're interested!

Feel Good Friday!  What are you feeling good about today?  Here's what I'm feeling good about....

The sun is shining!
I'm going to make some beach reservations for my Spring Break trip to Florida!
I'll be home enough this weekend to cook!  I like cooking, but it's often difficult with our schedules.

How about you?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Half Day Monday!

I like these days.  I am generally able to be a bit productive on our half days and I for sure need it today.  

Mine weekend was uneventful.  Nothing overly exciting, just the usual.  Hockey, baseball, hair appt., suit shopping for Turnabout, Birthday dinner (I've never been to Texas Roadhouse before), paper grading, Netflix watching, etc.  

What about you? How was your weekend?


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Friday, February 8, 2019


Happy Feel Good Freezing Friday, Peeps!

Holy's COLD!  I felt like my house was going to blow away last night.  The wind was CRAZY!

What are you feeling good about today??  

The kid that made me a mom turns 16 today.  How is that possible??  We had our traditional birthday breakfast this morning and he had a PLC day today (school starts an hour later), so he had just woke up and was none-too-happy with my phone in his face.  

Here he is when he was a few months old...and then this morning.

Senior night for HF Hockey tonight, which is a big ceremony thing and then a team dinner with all the families after the game.  

No real plans for Saturday, which I like the sound of.  Sunday is filled with baseball and hockey.  

What about you??  What are you feeling good about today??

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday - Stressed Much?

Yo...Happy Thursday!  Looks like we are going to be in school ALL five days this week!  Thank goodness the next two weeks are partial ones!

I'm totally stressed right now.  Know how I can tell?  I'm getting a cold sore.  I always know when I'm pushing things because I wind up getting a cold sore.  As I was driving home last night, I could feel it coming on.  FANTASTIC! 

Nothing bad going on to stress me out, just a LOT of big deadlines that I'm trying to manage and they all seem to be at once.  

How about you?  Are you stressed about anything? What happens when you get stressed? 

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Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Happy Chinese New Year!  It's the year of the pig in the Chinese Zodiac calendar.  Cal's are celebrating tonight by ordering Chinese take-out.  I'm not very adventurous, so Sweet & Sour Chicken or Chicken Stir Fry with Cantonese noodles is what I usually order.  

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How about you?  Do you like Chinese food?  What do you usually get?

Super Bowl Monday

Did you watch?  Thoughts?  Game/Commercials/Halftime?

Game was boring.  Commercials were just OK.  Halftime was sort of a snooze as well.  My squares didn't win me any money.  I had fun with the people I was with, there's that?

What about you?

Friday, February 1, 2019

Feel Good Friday

Welcome Back! Almost a week off...crazy!  Happy FRIDAY!

What are you feeling good about today?


  • 1 day school week
  • My BFF, Freeman, is turning 50 next week.  I'm having a surprise party for her tomorrow night.  Should be a lot of fun!
  • Only ONE youth sports event this weekend!
  • Super Bowl!  I guess I want the Rams to win.  I don't have any personal feelings toward the game.  At this point, I'm just looking for my squares to pay out?  We're hanging with friends, so it should be fun.
  • I saw this yesterday and it gave me the LOL's....  I've always been a major Muppet fan.  Hope you enjoy!