Friday, February 8, 2019


Happy Feel Good Freezing Friday, Peeps!

Holy's COLD!  I felt like my house was going to blow away last night.  The wind was CRAZY!

What are you feeling good about today??  

The kid that made me a mom turns 16 today.  How is that possible??  We had our traditional birthday breakfast this morning and he had a PLC day today (school starts an hour later), so he had just woke up and was none-too-happy with my phone in his face.  

Here he is when he was a few months old...and then this morning.

Senior night for HF Hockey tonight, which is a big ceremony thing and then a team dinner with all the families after the game.  

No real plans for Saturday, which I like the sound of.  Sunday is filled with baseball and hockey.  

What about you??  What are you feeling good about today??

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