Lots to feel good about today....
- It appears the sun is shining in what seems like the first time in a month.
- My knee is feeling a bit better, so I can maybe do some things around my house.
- Play some baseball! I don't think we could have endured another day of cancelled games in the Cal house. That would have put everyone right over the edge. This has been A LOT of family time!
- It seems things are possibly getting back to normal in the HoFlo. (Homewood Flossmoor area) It's been a difficult week for so many people I'm close to, and I'm so thankful things are simmering down on that front.
- I'm a celebrater and this weekend is always just about more than I can handle. Star Wars Day, The Kentucky Derby, AND Cinco de Mayo. It's just too much!
- Lots going on this weekend
HF Baseball Pancake Breakfast
Pitch, Hit, and Run Competition
Baseball Game
Neighborhood Fiesta
Freshman Pancake Breakfast
Baseball Game
Spanish Club Cinco de Mayo
In there somewhere, I need to make 22 loaves of banana bread, and run a few more errands, but after this week, I think this sounds like a perfect weekend!
How about you???

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