Monday, May 6, 2019

Motivational Monday...We CAN do it!!!!

Alright....we CAN do it.  I know we can.  That paper chain is getting shorter and shorter and my motivation is getting weaker and weaker.  May is a hard time to keep your head above water.  There is so much going on, so many end-of-year activities, so many things to keep track of...and then the weather starts to get nice, so it's another distraction!

OK....focus.  We can finish strong (or at least make it look like we are..haha!)

How was your weekend? Mine was super busy.  I feel like I just walked out of here on Friday.  
I made churro cupcakes on Friday night for the neighborhood fiesta on Saturday.  I was pretty

Saturday was Pitch, Hit, and Run day for Homewood Baseball.  My son won 3 of the four events for his age group, so he gets to move on to the sectional competition this coming Saturday.  Ultimate winner gets to go to Cleveland for the All Star Game.  Super Cool!  

We went to the pancake breakfast AND the fiesta yesterday.  If you had anything to do with either of those events, I thought it was great!  Nice Job!

How about you?  How was your weekend?

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