Thursday, May 21, 2020

Owning It! Last Day!

schools out

Last day, everyone!  We made it!  

While this wasn't how any of us expected to spend their last few months of school, we can all say we made it through!

I need to "own" something.  If you saw my last blog (I've taken it down), you saw that I went on a bit of a rant about things being turned in late and the expectation of immediate grading.  When I re-read it, it sounded pretty harsh and I apologize.  I shouldn't have said it and if you know me, you know that I'd be the first person to point out that "you have no idea what people are going through".  I guess I should have followed my own advice here.  If you were hurt or offended in any way, you have my sincerest apology.  You know when I say things sternly, I say them with love!

I hope you all have a fantastic summer and you can turn your Chromebooks off for a couple months.  I've missed you and I can't wait to see you back in August.

Seniors....keep in touch on the socials!  I'm so proud of all of you!

Mrs. Cal 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Feel Good Friday - Senior's Last Day!

Seniors! It's your last day today.  Crappy way to end, but I'll miss you nonetheless!
Sunday is Mother's Day!  Love on your momma, or your grandma, or whoever is a momma in your life!
Like I said the other day, I've sort of backed off these last couple of weeks to give you all time to work on other class stuff.  

Seniors - Monday I will go through everything and make sure we are all on track with assignments.  I'll send you an email if you owe me something.  If you don't hear from me, we are good!  

What are you feeling good about today?  Well, since this seems to be the new normal until the unforeseeable future, I'm just going to have to make do.

1.  I've go photographers coming tomorrow to take pictures of my house so we can get it on the market.  I haven't found a place to live, which is annoying, but I'm confident it will work out.

2. Pizza Friday?  Even this is boring these days.  I feel like I've cooked and cleaned up around 023840173593827491374 meals since this began.  I'm not cooking anything today or tomorrow, as to not make a mess before photographers arrive.

3.  I had book club last night on a zoom call.  That was good, as I read the book and watched the series, so I was able to contribute to the conversation.

4.  I'm going shopping for some new furniture, maybe?

That's all I've got.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wordy Wednesday - Day...who knows!

Ugh...are we almost done?  School?  Covid?  I'm over just about all of it at this point!  So, I haven't posted in about a week or so.  I wanted to let you all work on your other classes.  No quiz from last week or this week. I'm working on a bunch of BHS stuff, but it's all behind the scenes stuff.  
Do your blog today.  I'll check in tomorrow!

128 solves on this one. How many can you find?