Friday, May 21, 2021

Feel Good Friday!

Good Morning, Bobcats!  Happy Friday!

Here's what I'm feeling good about today...

  • My pool is filled, filter is hooked up and running, and the solar cover is on!  It's too cold to go into right now, but maybe I can swim on Sunday afternoon after graduation?
  • My son was awarded a scholarship on Wednesday night from the HF teacher's association.  Yay!  
  • Prom is Saturday for HF
  • Sunday is Confirmation for my youngest.  
  • BHS Graduation!
  • I think I'm planting some flowers this weekend!
  • I'm meeting a few of my girlfriends for breakfast in a little bit.
  • We are ALMOST done!
What about you?  What are you feeling good about today?

Have a great weekend!

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