Monday, May 3, 2021

We Made It To MAY!

 Final stretch, peeps.  We are ALMOST there!  

How was your weekend?  It was SO nice out!  Friday night, Mr. Cal and I went out for dinner at Pepe's and then to Hobby Lobby.  What exciting lives we lead..haha!  Saturday we did some work around the yard, etc. to get ready for today (Pool Installation Day!!).  Saturday night we had friends over for a fire and yesterday we just sort of ran errands, etc.  My youngest started his caddie job yesterday, so he was gone most of the day.  

Saturday was Decision Day!  My senior is headed to Illinois State in the fall and will major in Special Ed (high school level so he can coach).  

Goals for the week?  Budget!  I thought it was due today, but it's really not due until the 12th, so I have some time.  I just want to get it done so it's out of the way.  That, and getting some senior stuff done.

What about you?

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