Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday!

No, we usually don't blog on Thursdays, but we won't be here half of next week.....

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?  

I'm thankful the obvious family, friends, etc.  I'm also thankful for my job.  I LOVE what I do and I really think I'm so lucky to have a job that I love.  

I'm thankful for being lucky.  Lucky that I get to live somewhere that isn't war-torn.  I don't fear for my safety on a daily basis, etc.  

I'm also thankful for Star Wars (Chewbacca), Manatees, the Cubs, Diet Dr. Pepper, Sunshine, comfy shoes, and TJ Maxx.  Those are a few of my I had to include them.

How about you???


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