Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Happy HOCO Week!

Happy Tuesday!  How was your long weekend?  I had a busy and fun one!

Friday I was busy with Homewood's Holiday Lights festivities.  I was in my church's athletic association's booth working.  We had a great time and made a whole bunch of money for our organization.

Saturday night my son had a hockey game at Johnny's Ice House (where the Blackhawks practice).  I always like going there.  Headed over to Greektown afterward for dinner.  Greektown is my FAVORITE!  I was a happy girl :)

HOCO week is here! It's going to be a fun week.  I love it!  I mean, how often do I get to dress up as a Jimmy Buffett backup singer AND a mermaid in the SAME week?!?!?!

How was your long weekend?  Anything exciting?

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