Monday, December 18, 2017

Holiday Monday!

Hello!  One. More. Week.  We can totally do this!  

How was your weekend?  Mine was fine.  Hockey Friday night.  Basketball twice on Saturday.  Hanging with friends on Saturday night.  Hockey again on Sunday.  Getting ready for Christmas.  I was ready to spend last night being productive.  And then this happened.

Do you recognize this?  The Sound of Music!  It's one of my top 3 favorite movies of ALL TIME.  I even set up camp for the night on the couch in my back room to watch, (so sons sit there and play video games, eat Cheetos, and fart).  If I am hanging out in my back room, you know it's important.  So, while I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be, I did get some things done.  

Also, my son and his buds played the part of Rudolph, Frosty, and the Penguin at Saturday's Miracle on Martin event in Homewood.  They were adorbs.

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