Thursday, September 27, 2018


No real blog post today, but I want to do a blog check today.  There is an assignment posted in Google Classroom to post a link to your blog. 

Remember - Student News Quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wordy Wednesday!

TV Tuesday!

New TV starts this week.  Do you watch specific TV shows?  What do you watch?  Are you excited for a new season of any shows?

Me?  I don't watch much TV, but I'm loyal to a few shows...

Survivor - I LOVE this show, even though it's probably older than you all..haha!
Below Deck!  I think the new season started a couple of weeks ago, but I'm still catching up on the Below Deck Med reunion show.

How about you?

Monday, September 24, 2018

1/2 Day Today! Yay!

Easy day for us here in the Beech!  I love half days. I don't get an actual half day, but the teachers get to go out for lunch and I'm generally really productive on half days.  And let me tell you....I need to be productive this week.  Lots to keep up with!

Weekend was good.  Sorta chill.  We spent a bunch of money last weekend and we are headed out of town again next weekend for a wedding.  Need to keep expenses in check.  

Birthday was fine.  Nothing fancy.  Went out for breakfast, went to church, baseball tryouts, napped, graded papers, did know, the basic Sunday stuff.

How about you?  How was your weekend?  Are you doing anything with your half day?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday - Gold Stars/Demerits

This has been a LLLLOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG week!!! 

I really wanted to do a Grievance Thursday, as there is lots of things that's firing me up this morning, but that's just not healthy...two weeks of grievances is no bueno.  We need to keep our positive pants on!  

So gold stars/demerits it is!  Brag on yourself (gold star) or call yourself out and say "I suck" (demerit).  Which one are you picking?  Why??\

I think I'm going to give myself a demerit this time around.  I have something I've been meaning to do for about 5 months.  It's just ording some t-shirts.  I can't manage to get it done.  I just need to pick a font and place the stupid order.  I really need to do it.  Today??  Maybe you boys can help me out?  It's for a group of 11-12 year old boy baseball players.  Boy font?  Is that a thing?  Help!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday 9/18

How's it going today?  I got a good night sleep, so all is well with me.  Although, I had a bit of a freak out this morning.  I thought I forgot my glasses at home.  That sent me into a complete panic!  I legit can't see much beyond about 2 ft in front of me.  I have prescription sunglasses and when I went digging for my normal glasses when I got in my room this morning, they weren't in my purse. That sent me into a complete panic! Fortunately, they were in my car.  Whew!  

What sends you into a complete panic??

Monday, September 17, 2018

It's Just Another Manic Monday.....

Whew....what a whirlwind weekend!  I'M. SO. TIRED.  It's only 7:46 in the morning and I'm already thinking about my next nap.  I had a super fun weekend, but it's all caught up to me.  The Bears are on tonight, so the boys in my house will be focused on the game.  I can curl up in my bed nice and early and watch some Below Deck Med.  I can't wait!

How was your weekend? Tell me all about it!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Feel Good Friday!

Good Morning!  Greetings from downtown Indianapolis!  

What are you feeling good about today??

Y'all know what I'm feeling good about!  I'm on a mini-vaca with friends and driving the rest of the way to Nashville this morning.  WITHOUT. MY. KIDS.  Parent win!

How about you???

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Grievance Thursday!

It's Grievance Thursday!  Time to air your grievances!

Here's what's bothering me today.....
People on 394 drive like @$#%@#$%^@$#.  I am not a timid driver and I'm generally going over the speed limit.  If I'm offended by the way people drive, then it's completely legit.  

I have tons more, but I don't want to flood you with my negativity. :)  I'll wait until the next Grievance Thursday for that!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wordy Wednesday!

No idea how many solves for this one.  I closed out of the tab before finding out.  
YOYO (You're On Your Own)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Pizza! Pizza!

It's cleaning lady day in the Cal house.  My rule on cleaning lady day is that I don't cook.  I want my kitchen clean for at least a day!  So....we will order pizza tonight.  

What do you like on your pizza?  

Personally, I'm a pepperoni and black olive kind of girl.  However, nobody else in my family shares my passion for olives.  I only get that when we make pizza at home.  Tonight, I suspect, will be sausage.  Maybe from Aurelio's?  

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mindset Monday

"All things are difficult, until they are easy" - Thomas Fuller

What's one CHALLENGE you hope to OVERCOME this week?  

So....we're leaving Thursday after school for Nashville.  Mr. Cal, myself, and four other couples.  Can't wait.  It's going to be SUPER fun!  However, my in-laws will be coming to stay at my house with the boys while we are gone.  NOT super amped about that.  My MIL has NO boundaries, so I need to make sure my house is MIL-proofed (kind of like baby-proofing, but for nosey adults).  It's also a pretty busy week in my house, so it will for sure be a challenge!

But....the reward.....I get to go away for the weekend!  To Nashville.  Without my kids.  With other adults. will be worth it!

How about you?  Tell me about a challenge you hope 
to overcome this week? 

P.S.  I re-did my Bitmoji.  I'm not a fan.  I need to add that to my list.  I don't think it looks like me at all.  ugh.

Friday, September 7, 2018

It's Monday!

Hey, Everyone!  It's Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was busy!  Mostly good stuff.

Turnabout tickets go on sale TODAY!  Are you going?  Tommy Bocek?  Are you going?  My friend, Miss Maggie has a question for you.........

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday, Y'All!  Lots going on this weekend in the Cal house.  Some good, some not so good.

It's HoCo in the HoFlo.  Game is tonight.  My son is a sophomore at HF and I'm beyond bummed that he's not going to the dance tomorrow, but it appears none of the boys are going.  He and his tribe are having a "Stay-Homecoming" at one of his buddies houses, so he'll still have fun.  

I have to go to two wakes this weekend.  No fun.  The gentleman who took his life on the Metra tracks on Tuesday in Homewood was the father of one of my son's friends.  It's been a rough week.  If you're the praying or good-vibe sending type of person, send some to the Spencer family.  They need it.

And since you're sending good thoughts, send one over to my friend Crystal today as well.  She went in this morning for brain surgery.  She has a HUGE brain tumor.  Doctors are pretty confident it's benign, but it still requires surgery.  So, send her some good juju, too!

On to the good stuff.....
Baseball starts up again in the Cal house!  Yay!  I think I love Fall Ball even better than regular season ball. 
Neighbors are having a taco party tomorrow night.  
The youth group I'm in charge of meets for the first time this year on Sunday.
Friends are having a Bears/Packers party Sunday night.  

Busy weekend....
How about you?? What are you feeling good about today?

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Would You Rather?

Would you rather live on a beach?  or in a cabin in the woods?

No brainer.  Beach.  Have you met me?  I'm not at all interested in woods, or cabins, or bears, or other wilderness-y type things.  I'm a beach girl.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Back at it...Tuesday

How's it going??  How was your weekend?  What did you do?

Cal's didn't really do much.  Watched most of season 2 of Ozark, had people over one night, ran errands, etc.  Pretty low key.  

I'm feeling a bit blah/overwhelmed today. Lots going on and I'm a bit stressed over it.  Nothing bad.  Just lots going on in the background and I'm not sure I'm feeling it....know what I mean?

How about you??  Tell me about your weekend...