Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday - Gold Stars/Demerits

This has been a LLLLOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG week!!! 

I really wanted to do a Grievance Thursday, as there is lots of things that's firing me up this morning, but that's just not healthy...two weeks of grievances is no bueno.  We need to keep our positive pants on!  

So gold stars/demerits it is!  Brag on yourself (gold star) or call yourself out and say "I suck" (demerit).  Which one are you picking?  Why??\

I think I'm going to give myself a demerit this time around.  I have something I've been meaning to do for about 5 months.  It's just ording some t-shirts.  I can't manage to get it done.  I just need to pick a font and place the stupid order.  I really need to do it.  Today??  Maybe you boys can help me out?  It's for a group of 11-12 year old boy baseball players.  Boy font?  Is that a thing?  Help!

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