Friday, September 7, 2018

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday, Y'All!  Lots going on this weekend in the Cal house.  Some good, some not so good.

It's HoCo in the HoFlo.  Game is tonight.  My son is a sophomore at HF and I'm beyond bummed that he's not going to the dance tomorrow, but it appears none of the boys are going.  He and his tribe are having a "Stay-Homecoming" at one of his buddies houses, so he'll still have fun.  

I have to go to two wakes this weekend.  No fun.  The gentleman who took his life on the Metra tracks on Tuesday in Homewood was the father of one of my son's friends.  It's been a rough week.  If you're the praying or good-vibe sending type of person, send some to the Spencer family.  They need it.

And since you're sending good thoughts, send one over to my friend Crystal today as well.  She went in this morning for brain surgery.  She has a HUGE brain tumor.  Doctors are pretty confident it's benign, but it still requires surgery.  So, send her some good juju, too!

On to the good stuff.....
Baseball starts up again in the Cal house!  Yay!  I think I love Fall Ball even better than regular season ball. 
Neighbors are having a taco party tomorrow night.  
The youth group I'm in charge of meets for the first time this year on Sunday.
Friends are having a Bears/Packers party Sunday night.  

Busy weekend....
How about you?? What are you feeling good about today?

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