Monday, September 10, 2018

Mindset Monday

"All things are difficult, until they are easy" - Thomas Fuller

What's one CHALLENGE you hope to OVERCOME this week?  

So....we're leaving Thursday after school for Nashville.  Mr. Cal, myself, and four other couples.  Can't wait.  It's going to be SUPER fun!  However, my in-laws will be coming to stay at my house with the boys while we are gone.  NOT super amped about that.  My MIL has NO boundaries, so I need to make sure my house is MIL-proofed (kind of like baby-proofing, but for nosey adults).  It's also a pretty busy week in my house, so it will for sure be a challenge!

But....the reward.....I get to go away for the weekend!  To Nashville.  Without my kids.  With other adults. will be worth it!

How about you?  Tell me about a challenge you hope 
to overcome this week? 

P.S.  I re-did my Bitmoji.  I'm not a fan.  I need to add that to my list.  I don't think it looks like me at all.  ugh.

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