Friday, December 14, 2018

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!  

I'm out on the Bobcat Pride field trip today, which is one of my "FGF" highlights.  This field trip is probably my favorite one we do each year.  We are helping out a great organization that assists families who are struggling.  It's a "feel good" and also a bit of a reality check for us at the same time. 

My 6th grade son is going to his first school dance today.  It's after school from 2:40-4:30, which I think is completely adorable.  He took a shower last night AND got a haircut, so I suppose that's a win. 

I MUST get some Christmas shopping done this weekend!  

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Basketball and hockey are on the agenda this weekend.  Maybe I'll even bake something? I should probably put some ornaments on my tree?  Tree is up and lights are on it.....

What are you feeling good about today?

Be good for Mr. Schwarberg!

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