Friday, December 7, 2018

Happy Friday!  What are you feeling good about today???
  • I'm only here for a half day today.  Tonight is the Holiday Lights festival in Homewood.  St. Joe's Athletic Association will have a booth selling hot cider and baked goods, along with a Reindeer Food station for the littles.  It's going to be FREEZING, but it will be fun!  
  • We're picking up our tree tonight!  I LOVE the smell of a fresh tree!
  • Hockey up north over the weekend, so that means a trip to IKEA
  • NOTHING GOING ON SUNDAY!  (I think this is what I'm most excited about!) I'm not getting out of my PJ's.  I'm going to make a big pot of soup, grade papers, do a bunch of online shopping, and have the groceries delivered!  

Here's today's Christmas song!  It's super cheesy, but it always reminds me of my grandpa.  He was a soft spoken man, but he LOVED this song and used to sing it to my grandma during the holidays.  I always thought it was really funny as a kid.

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