Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday, March 12

Happy Tuesday! 

I'm not here for 1st/2nd hour today.  I have a meeting in Homewood at 8, so I'll be in probably toward the end of 2nd hour.  

Please help out whoever is subbing this morning with getting the overhead turned on, blog post up, CNN going.  Thank You!!!  

1st hour, your assignment is in Google Classroom.

Today's question....what type of sleeper are you?  Are you a night owl?  Do you go to bed early?  I use to be a night owl.  Our old principal, Dr. Wright, always used to comment how all emails sent by me were always around 2AM.  Nowadays....hahaha..NOPE.  I go to bed early.  I'd rather get up at 4AM to work on a project than stay up late and work on it.  Most weeknights I'm in bed by 9:30, which is quite pathetic if you ask me..haha.  But...I'm tired. Weekends are a different story.  

What about you?  

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