Air your grievances! Let me tell you mine.....
So, I've told you all about how my in-laws are taking us all to Hawaii this summer. We are staying at this incredible villa on Maui. It's beautiful. It's all my father-in-law can talk about. We're going to do this, we're going to do that, blah blah blah. Then last night he calls to tell me that all the flights are open to Maui from Southwest and I should hurry and go book my flights.
Wait. Hold up. What?????? I have to pay my own way to get there???? Quick Southwest search is a cool $5K for the four of us to get there! WHAT?????

Now I don't want to appear ungrateful. At. All. However, at NO POINT has anyone indicated that we had to purchase our own transportation! I don't have 5 grand laying around to buy airfare. And furthermore, as wonderful as this trip sounds, I don't know that I would have committed to it if I knew I had to pay my own way to get there for the four of us! I don't know what to do. And I'm annoyed. I think that's a pretty solid grievance.
And...I made a poor shoe choice this morning.
What about you? What do you have a beef with?
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