Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tasty Tuesday - Christmas Traditions

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Cookies?  Ravioli?  Do you have a food tradition for the holidays?

I'm in two cookie exchanges this year and I'm not allowed to choose which cookie I want to make for one of them.  I made white chocolate/cranberry biscotti one year and they won't let me make anything else since that year.  I'm hoping to do some baking this weekend.

Also, we make homemade ravioli every year for Christmas.  Mr. Cal's great grandma Esther used to make them every year, then grandma Opal made them every year, now we've taken on the tradition of making them each year.  I'm treating myself this year to a Kitchen Aid pasta roller attachment to make life easier.  They are on super sale today at Macy's.  

What about you?  Do you have a holiday food tradition?  What's your fave Christmas cookie?

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