Friday, January 15, 2021

Feel Good Friday got me.  All four of us have the COVIDS.  I feel like absolute garbage and I can't wait to go back to bed today.  If you're in class, please find something quiet to do once you've finished your blog, CNN and quiz.  Make sure you turn in your quiz today before the end of class.  Be good for Mr. Dunlap (or Dunlop...I can't remember!)

Tell me what you're feeling good about today!  

Send the Cal's some good juju.  I'm diabetic, so this worries me.  

Have a great, long weekend!  In honor of MLK day, find something to do for someone.  It's a day of service.  If we weren't in a pandemic, I know my St. Joe's kids would have all sorts of things lined up.  We made blessing bags for the homeless last year, we made goodies for the postal workers, and treat bags for the Homewood fire fighters and police officers.

See you Tuesday!

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