Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tuesday - Snow Day?

snowball fight

I'm declaring today a pajama day!  Well, for me at least.  Or at least until 10AM or something.  I've got my cleaning lady coming today, so I need to be presentable in some capacity by the time she gets here (1PM).  

Today's question...Do you like snow, winter weather, etc.  Is this your jam? My friend Jen LOVES this.  She loves to go skiing, ice skating, she bought snow shoes a couple years ago and goes hiking in the woods when it's like this.  She loves all things winter.  Me?  Big Fat Nope.  I'm a summer girl ALL THE WAY!  I think we should have one big snow per season...because it's pretty.  Then it should melt and be done.  I don't mind the cold.  I'm just not a fan of slush, ice, snow that's beyond a day old...because it gets ugly and grey.  And I'm accident-prone.  I don't need ice hazards, etc. when I'm going down stairs, etc.  

And I'm down with a snow day.  I don't really mind as much that we have to still log in, etc.  I got to sleep in!

What about you?  Is this your jam??

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