Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Semester 2 of the Dumpster Fire!  How was everyone's holiday/break?  Mine was fine.  Went to Vegas to spend the holiday with Mr. Cal's family.  We didn't do anything when we were there.  I went to Costco with my sister in-law, that's about it.  However, it was so nice to get away and have a change of scenery.  It was even nicer to be with family.  We did manage to do a family photo shoot.  This was one of the fun ones....

Not much else exciting went on over break.  The side of my house isn't draining water like it should, so my sump pump has been going off every minute and a half for the last week.  I'm assuming that's going to cost big money.  Thank goodness for stimulus checks!  

How was your break?  

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