Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday! Short Week..

Good Morning!  Happy Monday!  It's kind of like our Tuesday, right?  Spring Break starts on Friday.  

How was your weekend?  Mine was sort of uneventful.  Didn't do much.  Had a NCAA event to go to on Saturday.  That was fun and it was something I wasn't involved in the planning/execution of.  I feel like that's a first.  It was nice to just get up and leave when we were ready and not have to stay for cleanup, etc.

Lots to do this week before we leave.  I need to find where early voting is, need to pack, need to get my sub plans together, need to get some things in the mail, etc.  

What about you?  What are your goals for the week?  How was your weekend?

Walter went to the groomer on Saturday and came home with a bow around his neck.  I can't stand his cuteness, so I will share/force it upon you!

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