Monday, March 8, 2021

Motivational Monday! Goals?

 Hello!  It's Monday!  It's Spirit Week!  It's going to be 65 today!  SIXTY. FIVE.  It's already so nice that I've got a window open in my room.  

How was your weekend? Mine was busy and fun.  It ALMOST felt sort of normal.  I'll say, though...I'm exhausted! I REALLY wanted to sleep in this morning.  

Birthday celebration for a friend and a hockey game on Friday, errands and getting ready for Walter, another fun birthday-ish celebration on Saturday. Yesterday we ran more errands, picked up Walter from the Humane Society in Chicago Heights, and then I went to the city last night with friends to the Schitt's Creek pop-up and then out for tacos.  Super fun weekend!

Here's some pics!

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