Monday, April 26, 2021

Motivational Monday

 Happy Monday!  The sun is shining and it's going to be 75 today! How was your weekend?

Mine was relatively uneventful.  Dinner Friday night with some girlfriends, lacrosse game and two baseball games on Saturday - Win for all three!, and yesterday we just sort of ran errands, etc.  There is a place near the beach in Indiana that has free firewood, so we took a ride out there yesterday morning to get a load.  We can have a fire now!

Goals for the week - I have a lot of little stuff on the list.  I also think that I might be hosting a backyard Prom for my son and his friends, so I want to get some of those details worked out.  I also need to get a class I signed up for started.  

What about you?

Walter went to the groomer.  I took this picture.  I may need to frame it. 

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