Thursday, April 1, 2021

Opening Day!

Good Morning from the Sunshine State!  It’s overcast here this morning, but it should clear up later.
It’s Opening Day for baseball!  We are Cub fans through and through.  I have family that lives on the North Side of Chicago and when my Uncle Sam retired, he became one of the guys who sold programs at Wrigley.  He was a fixture there and everyone loved him.  When he passed away, the Cubs organization had a whole tribute to him.  It was pretty cool.  I was just a kid when that happened, but I still remember it. 
So...Cub fans we are!
We’re also a baseball family.  While I love MLB, I also love to watch my kid play.  His first game is next week.  I spent 12 years on Homewood Baseball’s board of directors. I heart baseball.

What team do you root for??

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