Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Grievance Thursday

I don't get to watch a whole lot of TV in my house.  There is almost ALWAYS some sort of sporting event on.  I'm a good sport about it and in most cases, I'm relatively interested in said sporting event.  When there isn't a sporting event on, Mr. Cal watches no less than 35 shows at one time.  In 40 second chunks.  It drives me absolutely INSANE!  I don't want to watch 35 shows.  Pick ONE.  Maybe two. 

As I type this, we are currently watching U.S. Marshals, Cubs post-game coverage, Below Deck, the news, the Dodgers game, and I'm sure I'm missing a couple of others.  

Wait!!!  I just walked into the kitchen to salvage the last piece of birthday cake (because it was MY birthday and it's a free for all in my house when there is any type of treat).  I come back...and now Mr. Cal can't find the station U.S. Marshals was now we are just flipping through all 4307523475 UVerse channels we are subscribed to.  

Now we are watching Caribbean Pirate Treasure.  

What's your grievance today?  

Wordy Wednesday!

Wordy Wednesday!  148 solves on this board.  How many can you find???

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hot Topic Tuesday

Can you guess what the "hot topic" today will be?  

Take a knee or no?  How do you feel about all of it?  

Here's where I stand (or kneel....however you choose to look at it)

I believe in EVERYONE'S right to freedom of speech. 
I believe in peaceful protest.
I believe there is HUGE racial injustice in our country.
I believe Trump's tweet(s) may have backfired on him and instead of dividing the NFL, brought it closer together.
This where I'm torn...
I don't think you should be able to protest at work. There would be consequences if I started some peaceful protest here in the Orchard Lab. 
This has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with the stance.  
On the other hand, these players have a platform in which to show their stance.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

Half Day Monday

How goes it?  Happy Monday!  It's a bit easier knowing we only have a half day.  How was your weekend?  Mine was good.  Saturday was my birthday and I got to go to the BEACH!!!  We came home in time for my son's baseball game and then went out for dinner.  It was nice.  I'll be honest, though....this weather is fine.  If I can be at the beach or a pool or something.  Otherwise, I'm sort of over it.

I made first born take a birthday beach selfie with me.....

Oh...and Mr. Duncan set a new WORLD RECORD on Saturday!  One of the disc golf courses he was playing was in Homewood.  I was able to get there just as they were leaving.

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Feel Good Friday! AND....we get an early release!

Happy Friday!  What are you feeling good about today?

  • Mrs. O is here!  I heart her.  
  • We have an early release.  Now...try not to be all super J, but the teachers get out SEVENTEEN minutes early today.  We get to go home at 3!  Actually, I love you guys getting out early today.  If you've been by my desk lately, it's a hot mess.  I that hour and a half of people leaving me alone so I can get some work done.  
  • Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!  I'm going to make everyone in my house do what I want to do this weekend.  I can't wait!   
  • The first news broadcast is today!  

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Grievance Thursday!

Eh....I really don't have a grievance today.  I've got my positive pants on :)

I'll talk about something else, though.  Do you watch America's Got Talent? Did you see that little girl with the puppets?  She won and she's......amazing.  Yes, she warrants the word amazing. 

Have you seen her? 


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tickle Me TUESDAY!

What makes you laugh??  

Talking animals.  Never gets old.  I could watch BBC Talking Animals all day.  It always makes me laugh!

Here is one of my favorites....

How about you?  What makes you laugh?

Monday, September 18, 2017

Good Weekend?

Happy Monday....  I struggle with Mondays.  I like them, in a way it's another start that we get to count down to Friday....but's MONDAY.  

How was your weekend? Mine was busy and fun!  I talked about it a bit last week, but it was HF's homecoming.  My son is a freshman, so it was first for him.  Games, parties, dances, was fun for my son (and parents as well...we get to enjoy a bit of it as well).  Here are a couple of pictures....

Friday, September 15, 2017

Feel Good Friday!

What are you feeling good about today?

The weather is supposed to be AWESOME!  I wish I had some free time because I would totally sneak off to the beach for a few hours and soak up some sun!
Pay Day!  The start of the school year is always a drain on the paycheck.  I'm excited to have my money replenished!  
Fall Fest - Homewood's Fall Fest is this weekend.  It's always a fun time.  Looking forward to it!

P.S.  Afternoon classes - BE GOOD FOR THE SUB!!!  If I get a poor report, there will be consequences!  

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Grievances....

I know I said we wouldn't blog on Thursdays, but I'm re-thinking it.  I'm going to make it Grievance Thursday.  What's annoying you today?  Air your grievances....

So today my grievance is this.  Stop saying AMAZING.  I swear, it's the most over-used word in society today.  My amazing day, my amazing boyfriend, my amazing journey...don't even get me started on the phrase "amazing journey".  Just stop.  Find a better word.  The word amazing should be reserved for things that are legit amazing.  If you use it too much, it's meaning gets watered down.  

Here are some alternative words to use instead of amazing....

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wordy Wednesday!

How many words can you find??  171 solves this week.  Little Debbie bag o' brownies is the big prize!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tasty Tuesday! Pizza Pizza

What do you like on your pizza???  Thin crust, thick crust, deep dish?  What's your fave?  Toppings?  Extra cheese?

We make homemade pizza often in our house.  I like to put pepperoni and black olives...topped with extra parmesan and a bit well done.  I also like sausage with green olives...but not pepperoni with green olives or sausage with black olives.  Funny how we can get so particular about things.

How about you???  

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday....and I've got the blues

Eh, I'm just not feeling it today.  Had a busy, fun weekend, but I just didn't get a jump on things the way I like to on Sundays.

Lots on my mind today.  Thinking of 9/11, thinking of the impact of Irma, thinking of my friend in Houston who is cleaning out her house after it flooding almost to the 2nd floor.  

I'm happy to hear that St. Pete Beach, FL, which was projected to take a direct hit, was spared in some sense.  It's my happy place.  

Weekend was fun....Friday we set up our big movie screen in the back yard and had movie night.  Saturday we went back to Cantigny park to check out a Revolutionary War re-enactment and then my son had a baseball game. day!  Mr. Cal had a bunch of his buddies over and they watched the game.

What about you?  What's on your mind today?

Friday, September 8, 2017

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!  What are you feeling good about today??

Football!  I'm excited for football Sundays.  I say this now because it's early in the season.  Ask me in a couple of months and I'll probably be sick of it. Between all of the boys in my house, they are in 5 fantasy leagues.  This gets old after a while, but I'm all in for Football right now!  

Baseball!  Fall Ball starts tomorrow.  I love being at the ballpark.  We've been away for a month, so that's penty.  I'm ready to watch some ball!

Friday! I love Fridays.  They are a bit more laid back as far as my schedule is concerned and I make it a point not to cook on Fridays. 

How about you??

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wordy Wednesday!

You woke up this morning and could barely stand your own excitement over Wordy Wednesday......AM I RIGHT???

A package of donuts is up for grabs for today's lucky winner.  Can anyone beat Miss Fasano's 71 from last week?   There are 161 solves for this puzzle.  How many can you find?

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Long Weekend...How was it?

It's already Tuesday.  Nice.  

My weekend was pretty chill.  Didn't do a whole lot.  My family is usually on the go constantly, so these past couple of weekends that weren't jammed with places to be was nice, but at the same time it was odd.  We didn't know what to do with ourselves.  I'll be happy when things pick up this weekend.

My son caddied all weekend, so we couldn't really do anything as a family until yesterday.  We went to Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL.  It's a place I've always wanted to go, but never got around to it. They have a pretty cool military museum and a bunch of gardens, etc.  The museum was super interesting.  They are hosting a Revolutionary War re-enactment next weekend.  I'm a geek about that kind of stuff, so we may go back next weekend.  

They also have these cute couches/chairs all over the grounds.  It would be a cool place for a photo shoot, if you're into photography.

How about you?  What did you do?

Friday, September 1, 2017

Feel Good Friday! Long Weekend Edition....

Happy Friday, Y'all!  

  • Today I'm feeling good about a long weekend.
  • I think I'm heading to the beach at some point this weekend
  • I'm going to hang out with family this weekend. Maybe a fire tonight?  S'mores! (the good kind with Ritz crackers and Reese's PB cups!)
  • Last non-sporting event weekend of the year....everything starts up again next weekend.

How about you???

What are you feeling good about today?