Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hot Topic Tuesday

Can you guess what the "hot topic" today will be?  

Take a knee or no?  How do you feel about all of it?  

Here's where I stand (or kneel....however you choose to look at it)

I believe in EVERYONE'S right to freedom of speech. 
I believe in peaceful protest.
I believe there is HUGE racial injustice in our country.
I believe Trump's tweet(s) may have backfired on him and instead of dividing the NFL, brought it closer together.
This where I'm torn...
I don't think you should be able to protest at work. There would be consequences if I started some peaceful protest here in the Orchard Lab. 
This has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with the stance.  
On the other hand, these players have a platform in which to show their stance.  

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