Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Long Weekend...How was it?

It's already Tuesday.  Nice.  

My weekend was pretty chill.  Didn't do a whole lot.  My family is usually on the go constantly, so these past couple of weekends that weren't jammed with places to be was nice, but at the same time it was odd.  We didn't know what to do with ourselves.  I'll be happy when things pick up this weekend.

My son caddied all weekend, so we couldn't really do anything as a family until yesterday.  We went to Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL.  It's a place I've always wanted to go, but never got around to it. They have a pretty cool military museum and a bunch of gardens, etc.  The museum was super interesting.  They are hosting a Revolutionary War re-enactment next weekend.  I'm a geek about that kind of stuff, so we may go back next weekend.  

They also have these cute couches/chairs all over the grounds.  It would be a cool place for a photo shoot, if you're into photography.

How about you?  What did you do?

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