Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday! Lots Going On! What's on your mind today.

Hello!  Happy Tuesday!

Lots going on today - Election Day!  My son's school is closed, so he's home for the day.  I'm taking a half day so he doesn't have to spend the whole day alone.  He's only 11.

I'm happy to get rid of political ads for a bit.  They get super annoying.

So...Mr. Halligan.  What are your thoughts about yesterday's presentation?  This was the third time I've seen him.  As a parent, it still hits me at my core.  I couldn't imagine. 

To quote the book "Wonder"...when given the choice between what is right and what is kind.  Always choose kind.

Did yesterday make you think a bit?  Do you think it's still a problem today?

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