Monday, October 1, 2018

I'm Out Today....Be Good!

Hey, everyone! I'm calling this one in from under a blanket, with a box of kleenex, in my recliner.  

Mrs. O is there for me today.  I felt like I was fighting something last week.  Started with a cough.  Saturday night I sneezed twice and no joke, within 10 minutes I felt like death!  I was down for the count.  So..I'm home sick today.  I should be back tomorrow. was your weekend?   I hope you had a great weekend.  It was so nice seeing so many of you all dressed up at the dance on Friday!  How was the rest of your weekend?  Good?  Tell me!

Also, here is the plan for today...

Multimedia 1 -  Subway art is due today.  Turn it in as a PDF in Classroom.
Yearbook - See if you can print off your pages you were assigned.  Look them over.  I'll discuss tomorrow when I'm back.
Business Management - Finish taking your test today.  

Bobcat Pride kiddos in my first hour - you will likely get pulled by Mr. LaBanca to help take down the rest of the dance decorations.  

Be good for Mrs. O!  I'll be back tomorrow!

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